Saturday, February 22, 2014

Film Review #59: Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True

Oh boy, just what my sanity needs.  Another shitty sequel to another cherished movie from my childhood.  But not only is this a bad movie, it is also a pointless movie.  Nothing changes in the movie, no special statements are made, and nothing really happens.  When Disney usually screws up, it's at least a memorable screw up (a la Hunchback 2).  But I think I had to watch this movie 6 or 7 times just to realize just how pointless and worthless this movie is.  Cinderella 2 is the prime example of Disney selling out on an old product and failing miserably.  Didn't Disney sum it up best when the film ended with "...and they all live happily ever after"?  Nope.  Fuck that shit!  We need to redeem Cinderella's character in the eyes of the female fans.  Too bad no one saw this.  Shitheads.

Plot: The mice complain that the original story has become so predictable.  So, they convince the Fairy Godmother to create a book telling about what happened after the wedding for both Cinderella (bland and stereotypical as usual) and Prince Charming (bland and stereotypical as usual).

1. Cinderella decides to establish a Royal Banquet and does her best to bring her commoner instincts and beliefs onto life in the palace, which goes against a snobby bitch named "Snooty Von Persnicketty Bitch" (or Prudence I can't seem to remember).

2. Feeling he is unable to help Cinderella like he could back at the chateau, Jaq asks the Fairy Godmother to turn him into a human.  Hi-jinks insue.

3. Anastasia Tremaine falls in love with a baker in town, which angers the other Persnickity Bitch, Lady Tremaine, who insists her daughter can do much better.  Cinderella convinces her stepsister to follow her heart instead of her mothers will.

What's Bad?: Beyond the total forgettableness of the story, we get to witness just how bad Disney's character writing is in the early 2000's.  With the exception of one character (we'll get to that later), every single character in this movie is bland and forgettable.  At least they're keeping with tradition.

What's Good?: With the exception of one character: Anastasia.  Much like Iago in the Aladdin sequels, Anastasia has a character arc in this story, no longer just the selfish little bitch like in the first movie.  She is the only character we grow to care for, or even tolerate.  To bad they botch her love story for a cheesy rushed piece of nothing in the third one, but we're not there yet.

Overall: If you throw away the bland and forgettable characters, story, animation, and music, Cinderella 2 is just a weak film.  It may not be absolutely inside rupturing, but I  wasn't offended by Cinderella's character in the first film.  Kids from 2-6 will like it, beyond that, I doubt anybody with a functioning brain will find this movie engaging.

Report Card:

Hero:                                 F
Heroine:                            B-
Villains:                             B
Side Characters:               C+
Story:                                 D
Themes:                             D
Songs:                                F
Musical Score:                  F

Does this film hold up to the original?:           Not really

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