Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Look Back On The "What Could Have Been Series (The Prequels) Part 2: Attack of the Clones

Over a year ago, as some of my first posts, I created my own interpretation of what I thought the Star Wars Prequels could have been had they been made with any foresight and acknowledgement of the fanbase George Lucas had prior to 1999.  While these films may sit well with you all, some of the choices and story points that are made in the Prequels are so baffling to me that they actually do require an intense amount of reworking and revitalizing that George clearly had no interest in doing, having removed from play all of the people who questioned him by the end of the Original Trilogy.

But we as fans reserve the right o be able to crave and even recount what we believe the Prequels should have been and how they should have been delivered to us.  I mean, Star Wars shaped the world in a way George Lucas could have only dreamed of in the early 1970's.  We have all been shaped by this series in one way or another.  That is why I am returning to my older posts to not only rework George's ideas, but also some of my own ideas that I had introduced, because I think I was a little too naive to think some of my changes were improvements over even George's work.  So, being a full-fledged adult now, I think I can look at the Prequel Saga with broader eyes and fashion a story that everyone could enjoy and get behind and one that would both add on to the mythos and recapture the mysticism and glory that was the OT.

The Key to the successful integration of Attack of the Clones needs to be the character relationships between characters.  Not just the positive relationships (Obi-Wan and Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme, etc), but also negative and brewing ones (Darth Maul and Obi-Wan, Anakin and Dooku, Palpatine and Obi-Wan/Anakin).  This episode will be much slower paced and not nearly as much of a romance-filled snoozefest (though love will be a key component in this retelling).  

The film would open with the following crawl:

The Republic is on the brink of destruction.  Despite a tenacious
victory on Alderaan, it has been several years since they have had a meaningful
victory against the splinter cell of their reign, the Confederacy.

Already stretched thin across their worlds, the Republic's Army has been
drastically reduced by men protesting enlistment and the continuing secession of
systems to the Confederacy.  Even the Jedi Knights have been forced to become more 
involved than previously imagined.

But the Republic's greatest nemesis may yet lurk in the shadows, for 
a dark plot is about to unravel on Coruscant, one that will change the course of
galactic history forever...

Finishing up his paperwork in his office, Supreme Chancellor Valorum dismisses all of his secretaries for the evening and sets out for his private chambers in the Chancellor's Palace, just outside of the Senate Building.  But as he arrives there, he is ambushed by Confederate Magna Guards and a hooded figure.  But instead of rallying to harm him, the figure wields her lightsaber flawlessly and cuts through the droids.  She reveals herself to be Siri Tachi, a Jedi Knight who had defected from the order because of their involvement in the conflict and the death of her previous master, Qui-Gon Jinn.  Valorum insists he wants the Jedi, for their own sake, to remain out of the conflict, but the Senate is pushing for them to take active involvement in the wars.  But before Tachi could get Valorum to safety, he is shot down by a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter.  Tachi is discovered on HoloNet with the Chancellor's dead body and is being framed for his murder.  Unable to immediately prove her innocence and determined to clear her name, Siri dodges the Republic's Guards and escapes the planet, telling herself of only a few people she could trust, one of them being her long time friend Obi-Wan Kenobi.  

We then cut to Anakin and Obi-Wan training on a remote planet.  While Anakin has been excelling at all of the mental aspects of the Force, his ability to wield a lightsaber is still mediocre when compared to his master.  Obi-Wan encourages his apprentice to adopt his own philosophy in dueling instead of trying to mimic Qui-Gon's.  Anakin does marginally better against Obi-Wan, but the Jedi Knight can tell his apprentice is pressing, his thoughts on other things.  Anakin explains to Obi-Wan about how he had been unable to speak to Padme in some time since the Battle for Alderaan, believing Obi-Wan would chastise him for pursuing a relationship with someone, as romance and love is highly frowned upon by the Council, who is stressed out enough over the bill in session about whether or not the Jedi should be considered leaders of the waning Republic Military.  Obi-Wan, however, is understanding of his apprentice's feelings, even going as far to telling his apprentice that he had had a "thing" with a fellow padawan when he was Anakin's age, but their training and bonding is cut short by back to back transmissions coming through to Obi-Wan.  One is garbled, though Obi-Wan guesses it was from Siri, while the other was from Master Dooku, telling the boys of the assassination of Chancellor Valorum and orders them to return to Coruscant immediately.  The Jedi set out for the Republic's Capital, but Obi-Wan wonders why Siri was contacting him now after not speaking to him for so long.  

Upon landing on Coruscant, Anakin and Obi-Wan reunite with Padme.  But their reunion is cut short by the newly sworn in Chancellor Palpatine, who tells them that the prime suspect in Valorum's assassination is Siri Tachi, who is being hunted across the Republic's known worlds and Palpatine requests Obi-Wan and his apprentice go and search for her.  Obi-Wan is about to decline the offer, but Palpatine explains that with the new security laws in place, he now has direct control of the Jedi Council and he makes it an executive order.  Obi-Wan reluctantly agrees and reports to Masters Windu and Dooku on the matter, worried that the Republic is focused on the wrong target.  Dooku brushes off Obi-Wan's feelings, telling him Tachi was always a bad seed and even Qui-Gon would not have stood by her.  But their conversation is cut short with the news that the Confederacy has launched a campaign of terror against many Republic systems, including Dantooine, Mygeeto, and Kashyyyk.  With Coruscant now vulnerable, the Jedi send Obi-Wan to track Siri immediately.  As Obi-Wan leaves, Dooku and Windu discuss whether or not the Sith Lord on Alderaan had worked alone or not.  

Anakin and Obi-Wan depart to search for Siri, only to find Palpatine has also requested Padme travel with them, as she was on her way to try and secure an ally for the Republic in the Duchess of Mandalore.  The Jedi eagerly accept their friend into their ranks and disappear into outer space.  Anakin and Padme rekindle their friendship, as both tell each other all that had happened since they had last met.  But the ship is attacked by droid fighters, prompting Anakin to force the ship down on the planet Moroband, a planet strong in the force.  

The trio exits the ship and finds many ruins crippled by years of fighting.  Obi-Wan explains that Moroband was the origin point of all things related to the Force, including the Jedi and the Sith.  No sooner after exploring the ruins does the trio find their target.  Siri kneels before statues of ancient Jedi and Sith, wondering which path was stronger for herself.  Anakin immediately attempts to apprehend Siri, but she vanishes into the shadows.  Obi-Wan follows her while Anakin and Padme remain behind, hoping to catch her as she retreats.  Obi-Wan follows Siri into a dark cave, only to be haunted by the specter of Darth Maul, flashes of Qui-Gon's murder, and Maul doing the same to Siri.  When Obi-Wan sees a final vision of a figure clad in dark robes slaying Anakin, he violently swings his lightsaber at all of the specters of Maul, until his lightsaber meets Anakins.  He shakes himself out of his stupor to see that the long and dark tunnel he had apparently followed Siri down was nothing more than a half circle path only a few feet long.  Ashamed of his actions, Obi-Wan abandons Anakin and Padme, telling them he does not belong in a place where he would harm friends, ordering them to leave Moroband without him.  Dejected, Anakin and Padme leave the planet for Mandalore, As Obi-Wan watches the ship leave, he senses a familiar presence and follows it up a mountain path.

Anakin and Padme arrive on Mandalore and are surprised to find Anakin's old partner and friend Owen Lars, having recently been hired as a guard to protect the Duchess.  After filling him in on their current situation, he lets them know that Satine is currently in a meeting by a mysterious factory with the Confederacy, who has also targeted Mandalore as a critical ally.  Owen sneaks Anakin and Padme into the factory to learn the horrific truth behind the factory: the Confederacy has enlisted the aid of the five most dominant warriors in the galaxy: Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Khalif Grievous, Durge, and Cad Bane have been ruthlessly trained in Fett's extraordinary battle simulators and have donated intense amounts of DNA in order to have limitless waves of clones of themselves made, all while enhancing the massive numbers in the Droid Army with an army of clones.  Anakin immediately reports this to Jedi Council.  Shaken, Mace Windu brings this knowledge before the Chancellor, who decides it's high time for the conscription to the Republic Army to become mandatory.  Palpatine contacts Anakin and tells him to recruit Jango's estranged son, Boba, and bring him in to train the next battalion of soldiers for the Republic.  The three heroes then sneak into an information room and begin to look up Boba Fett.

As the clones prepare to be armed and ready for war, the crippled but still equally ruthless Darth Maul is contacted by Darth Sidious, who informs him that there are spies for the Republic on Mandalore and that they must utilize Fett's clones to overrun the planet and prevent the Republic from intervening.  Maul turns to his new allies and dispatches the bounty hunters, including his "apprentice" Grievous, whom he wants to become specialized in slaughtering the likes of Jedi involved in the war, to overthrow the Duchess and bring Mandalore into the Confederacy.

Obi-Wan continues following his senses towards the peak of Mount Bane, where he reunites with his original master, Yoda.  Obi-Wan is quick to confront his master about abandoning him, but Yoda does not acknowledge his existence.  Obi-Wan flings anger-filled insults at his former master, but again, Yoda ignores him.  Believing his old mentor to be another vision, Obi-Wan breaks down into tears and sits down besides his mentor and meditates.  As he calmed himself and relaxed his emotions, Yoda finally acknowledged him and confessed his reasoning: a long time ago, he and a few of the best Jedi Masters in the Order had sensed the shifting tides of the Dark Side of the Force and began to wonder if the Sith were indeed returning.  Long ago, infused with anger and grief over the death of a friend, Qui-Gon Jinn had abandoned the order and come to Moroband to discover his true destiny.  Whatever Qui-Gon had seen, had convinced him that his path as a Jedi was not yet complete and had led him to discover things about the Force that no one had known existed before.  Yoda had left the order a decade after Qui-Gon had returned to follow the same path and learn more about the Sith and how to maintain a balance in the Force.  Obi-Wan requested Yoda teach him what he learned, explaining his visions of Qui-Gon's death and his dwelling thoughts on Siri.  Yoda reluctantly accepts his old padawan's request and leads him deeper into the planet's core.

Anakin and his friends locate the dashing yet still 18 year old Boba Fett at a local cantina and offer him a position in the Republic to train him.  Fett rejects the offer, knowing all too well of his father's standing with the Confederacy and his own criminal records in the eyes of the Republic.  When Padme promises he would be pardoned for all crimes in the eyes of the Republic, Fett agrees, only to have Maul's bounty hunters arrive and try to capture them.  Jango demands his son join him, but Boba stuns his father with a stun gun and joins Anakin, Padme, and Owen as they flee from the cantina.  Durge pursues Boba, but Boba uses a flamethrower to scorch him.  Durge's flame resistant armor prevents him from being burned, but the flames hit a nearby building and causes a wooden stand to collapse and allow Boba to escape.  Cad Bane pursuits Owen, but Owen utilizes his electro staff and cuts through a few columns and causes a structure to collapse in on Bane and allows him to escape with Boba to an escape ship.  Anakin and Padme try to flee from Grievous, but the Jedi Hunter is quick to keep on their tails, forcing Anakin to stand and defend his ground.  Anakin and Grievous duel ruthlessly near a cliff overlooking a massive gorge below the city.  Anakin is thrashed about by Grievous, who had been trained in lightsaber combat by Darth Maul, but when Grievous threatens Padme, Anakin taps into his rage and uses the Force to cripple Grievous's windpipe and hurls him into a ship's engine turbine.  Padme calms Anakin out of his rage, but before they could reconcile properly, a blonde haired Jedi praises Anakin for his defeat of Grievous.  Anakin recognizes her as Siri Tachi and tries to arrest her, but Siri pleads for him to hear her out.  Anakin is about to reject her offer, but Padme decides for Anakin and calls Boba and Owen to meet her in a secret base to discuss.

Obi-Wan struggles with combating his inner demons while training with Yoda.  He constantly sees his vision of Qui-Gon, Siri, and Anakin all being struck down by an unseen assailant.  While undergoing a meditative technique Yoda had constructed and perfected, Obi-Wan begins to find some closure when it comes to the death of Qui-Gon, a death that he feels responsible for.  But when he begins to concentrate on Siri and Anakin, Obi-Wan again struggles through his tumultuous feelings when it comes to them.  Yoda decides that in order to have Obi-Wan overcome his grief and finally become worthy of Jedi Mastery, he must confront Siri and his must confront Darth Maul once more.  Only then, would he finally have some closure with himself.

As they made sure no one had followed them, Siri finally confesses to what she knew about the Republic.  Apparently, the Sith had indeed returned and had a new plan to conquer the universe: for centuries, the Sith had been constructing a fool-proof scheme for world domination involving crippling the thing at the very heart of the Jedi Order: the Republic.  The Sith have slowly been infiltrating the Republic until they finally had a senate corrupt enough, a Jedi Order complacent enough, and a galaxy on the brink of Civil War to make their final move.  This happened to fall into the laps of a mysterious Sith Lord named Darth Sidious and his apprentice, whom Siri claimed was the same warrior who killed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan bested on Alderaan.  Padme wants to bring this news to the Senate, but Siri reasons that the Senate is so corrupt and complacent that they not only cannot trust anyone in it, but they also will not act on this direct threat.  Anakin gets a phone call from Dooku and Palpatine, requesting an update.  Anakin tells him what has happened (aside from the Siri discovery), and Dooku instructs him to return to Coruscant with Fett and bring Obi-Wan back from Moroband, as the Republic fleet is arriving on Mandalore to devastate the planet on the Chancellor's order.  Boba insists on remaining behind until he could ensure Mandalore's survival, while Owen wants to fight with the Mandalorians.  Anakin decides to allow this, on the condition that Boba could get Padme a ship to leave the planet.  Padme pleads to remain in the conflict, but Anakin refuses, not wanting to lose her.  Anakin and Siri, meanwhile, would fly to Moroband to find Obi-Wan and fill him in on what's happened, but not before Anakin and Padme share a kiss.  When Anakin and Siri leave, Padme insists she wasn't leaving.  Boba is about to argue, when he sees a Confederate flagship land on a docking bay, pouring out numbers of battle droids.  Boba decides to recruit Padme and Owen to his cause to protect Mandalore, hurrying to the palace to protect the Duchess.

Darth Maul finds Grievous's mangled body and almost uses his lightsaber to vanquish the fallen warrior.  But he decides to restore Grievous as a cyborg, and use him at the forefront of the Confederate Army.  As he brings the body back to the lab, Maul is contacted by Sidious, informing him of the information he had been craving since being crippled on Alderaan: Obi-Wan Kenobi is on the origin planet of the Force, Moroband.  Maul decides to leave the Battle for Mandalore in the hands of his Bounty Hunting Corp, and orders them to use the Clones in the battle to ensure the planet falls.  Maul then gets into his ship and flies off towards Moroband.

The Council meets with Chancellor Palpatine in the Chancellor's Office to discuss the Jedi's full involvment in the war.  Palpatine has issued a mandatory draft for all men in the Republic to fight in the newly formed Stormtrooper Corp, but the officers feel their chances for victory would increase if the Jedi were personally involved in the war.  The Jedi are reluctant, particularly Dooku, who sees no reason to put the Order at risk.  Palpatine prods at the point that the Jedi are allegedly "The Guardians of Peace and Justice in the Republic", to which Master Windu decides it is time for the Jedi to personally ally with the Republic.  Palpatine then sends Master Windu and the newly formed "Knight's Battalion" to Mandalore to battle with the Confederacy.  Palpatine then informs the Senate of this and when he asks for more power to enforce the draft, he tells them of the great chance for victory that is within their grasp.  The Senate buys this, allowing Palpatine enough personal power to put an end to the protests and demand full enlistment from every male that was able to fight.

Duchess Satine, with whom Fett is romantically involved with, declares her intentions to fight for Mandalore, but would have to repel a massive horde of Battle Droids and Clones without the Republic for some time.  Satine makes an order for mobilization, naming Boba and Owen as field sergeants.  She initially wanted Padme to be safe in the fortress, but decides that Padme has proven herself capable in the past and would be useful in the upcoming battle.  As the droids and clones arrive, the Mandalorian Army battles viciously, repelling the many newly made clones and battle droids.  But when Jango, Durge, and Cad Bane enter the fray, the battle begins to turn ugly, particularly when their highly trained clones start to overpower the strong willed but vastly outnumbered heroes.

Anakin and Siri land on Moroband and look desperately for Obi-Wan.  But they cannot find a trace of him.  Obi-Wan is the one who locates them.  Obi-Wan and Siri have an awkward reunion, which is cut short by Darth Maul, who arrives and challenges Obi-Wan to a rematch.  Anakin and Siri get involved as well, prompting Maul to engage the three Jedi in a vicious lightsaber duel.  Obi-Wan tries to keep his anger at bay, while also keeping Siri and Anakin (whom had only marginally encountered a Sith before) safe.  Sensing this, Maul uses Force Lightning on Obi-Wan and launches him away from the fight, prompting Anakin and Siri to battle Maul alone.  Siri, motivated by her pride and anger, lunges at Maul, hacking and swinging violently.  Maul merely blocks her hate-filled attacks, until sensing an opening.  But when Siri is about to be slain, Anakin blocks the blow and exchanges blows with Maul until the Sith Lord slices off Anakins right hand.  Anakin howls in pain, until Maul pushes Anakin backwards, leaving Siri to battle him alone.

The Mandalorians are being beaten back by the Bounty Hunters Corp and the newly completed General Grievous, who uses lightsabers of Jedi he's slain to cut through Mandalorian soldiers.  Owen and Boba call for a general defense of the palace, but cannot beat back their opponents.  Fett, fully arming himself, goes to confront his father, while Owen is forced to battle Durge once more.  Padme, meanwhile, continues to snipe down droids and clones, until Grievous finds her and chases her throughout the palace.  When Satine intervenes, Grievous knocks her back with one kick from his durasteel plated foot.  Grievous circles Padme, until Mace Windu arrives.  Grievous tries to attack him, but Windu simply blasts Grievous through a window with a Force Push.  The Republic Fleet has arrived and begins bombing raids on the Confederate Base, including the lab where the Clones were made.  When the lab is reduced to rubble, the Republic deploys vast numbers of soldiers into the fighting to keeps the battle in Mandalore's favor.

Obi-Wan reenters the fight with Maul.  Though it had been years since they had last sparred, Siri and Obi-Wan remained in sync, using their dueling techniques to keep Maul on his toes.  Frustrated, Maul tries to fire lightning at them, but misses.  Anakin calls his lightsaber to him with his free hand and throws it at Maul, causing his lightsaber to be sliced in half.  Maul swiftly lunges forwards, knocking his prey down.  Siri steps up first to battle Maul and uses her enhanced power of the force to fight valiantly, but Maul overpowers her and fires an endless volley of Force Lightning on her, causing her to collapse.  Obi-Wan struggles to his feet to continue his duel, but is unable to do so.  Maul is about to slay Kenobi, when Yoda intervenes.  Maul attempts to choke the Jedi Master, but Yoda sends the stream of Force to destroy a nearby boulder.  Maul then fires lightning at Yoda, but Yoda simply reverts the lightning into fire and sends it towards the dried grass surrounding the Sith Temple.  Enraged, Maul lunges forward with his lightsaber, but Yoda knocks it out of Mauls hands, and breaks it apart through the Force, ending with causing the crystal within to shatter into pieces.  Defeated, but still as full of hatred as before, Maul retreats.  Obi-Wan tries to go after him, but Yoda stops him.  "Will come, your final battle will, Master Kenobi".  Obi-Wan rushes to Anakin and Siri, who are both injured and unable to help themselves.  Siri, in particular, is on her last breaths.  Siri refuses medical aid, saying her wish is to pass on into the Force as Qui-Gon had done.  In her last words, she confides in Obi-Wan her undying love for him and disappears, requesting he keep his promise to Qui-Gon and watch over Anakin.  Anakin is aided by Obi-Wan to his ship, and the two are joined by Yoda, who has decided that the time of his isolationism has ended and that the Sith must be destroyed.

The Battle of Mandalore comes to an end as the few thousand clones that haven't been dispatched to other battlefields are destroyed and the leaders beaten once and for all.  Owen, injured but alive, shattered Durge's jet pack and sent him hurtling into the canyon below the city.  Grievous is ordered by Darth Sidious to retreat, and Boba finally defeats his father Jango and declares the end to his father's Confederate ties.  Padme, who was injured during her flight from Grievous, is brought up to date about the events on Moroband and hurries to Coruscant to be with Anakin.  Boba decides to follow her to Coruscant and train the soldiers, while also agreeing to bring Owen back to Tatooine, having been emotionally and physically shellshocked by the battle.  Owen decides he would return to Mos Eisley, marry his girlfriend and reclaim his family Moisture Farm, telling Fett anyone foolish enough to involve themselves further in this war deserves everything that comes to them.

Darth Sidious meets via hologram with what is left of the Confederacy's leadership: Viceroy Gunray, General Grievous, Darth Maul, Wat Tambor of the Techno Union, and countless other senators that made up the decision council of their union.  Though beaten and frustrated at the loss of their Cloning Facility, Sidious advises them to remain optimistic, as they still have more than half of the Galaxy in their grasp and that the plan to overthrow the Republic is still in effect.  With the Jedi now personally involved in the conflict, the Republic's armies teetering between insanity and PTSD, the Republic would soon be vulnerable.  As the meeting ends, Sidious notices Maul's appearance has changed.  Maul explains that he's been feeling sick since his encounter with Yoda on Moroband, bringing Sidious to the conclusion that his apprentice is suffering from a weak will to the Dark Side of the Force and begins to cultivate his new apprentice.

While Anakin is in the ward with Padme, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Dooku, and Windu all sit in privacy in the Council Meeting Chamber to discuss what has happened.  Dooku admits to being wrong about Siri, but is furious that Anakin disobeyed his orders to bring Padme to Coruscant.  Obi-Wan protests, saying that had Anakin not come to Moroband first, Maul would have beaten him.  While Windu, Dooku, and Obi-Wan are eager to celebrate a victory, Yoda advises them against it.  He believes the Jedi should not celebrate until the clear and direct threat the Sith and the Dark Side has against the Republic falls for good, reminding them of Siri's warning of the Sith's control of the Republic.  The four Jedi all watch from their windows as Star Destroyers, carrying endless waves of stormtroopers, flies off the planet to embark on the Republic's attempt to reclaim the Galaxy and finally bring an end to the newly dubbed "Clone Wars" once and for all...

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