Chapter 10: The Red Flower/ The Man Village
Sora bolted down his path to the Badlands, only to be intercepted by Bagheera, who was frantically looking for the lost man-cub. "Sora? For goodness sake, where have you been? We were beginning to worry about you?"
"No time to explain!" Sora called as he rushed past the panther. "Shere Khan's after Mowgli. They're in the Badlands!"
"What?" the panther asked, shocked by the turn of events. "I'll go find Baloo. Sora, please go to the Badlands and ensure Mowgli is safe. Shere Khan will kill him if he get's the chance."
Sora nodded before rushing off once more into the heart of the jungle.
Sora finally made it to the Badlands, but he wasn't there first. Shere Khan loomed above Mowgli and his new vulture friends. He stared down the vultures, who flocked for a nearby tree and held on for dear life. One of the vultures called to Mowgli. "Run friend, run!"
"Run?" Mowgli asked, offended by the thought. "Why should I run?"
"Why should you run?" the tiger asked, stunned that the man-cub had such bravery in him. "Could it be possible that you don't know who I am?"
"I know you alright!" Mowgli replied bravely. "You're Shere Khan!"
"Precisely" the tiger haughtily replied, placing one of his claws beneath Mowgli's chin. "Then you should also know that everyone runs from Shere Khan. Don't you agree?"
Mowgli shoved the paw away defiantly. "You don't scare me! I won't run from anyone! Riku taught me all about bravery! And I won't let him down."
Khan was about to speak, when Sora ran to the man-cub's side, his Keyblade in his hand. "And I won't let Riku or Baloo down! I will protect Mowgli!"
Khan grinned wickedly. "Ah! You have spirit for man-cubs so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance!" Khan turned away from the two and laughed to himself. "Now, I;m going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting. For me. One. Two, Three."
Sora prepared to stand his ground. Mowgli grabbed a stick and stood beside Sora. "Uh, shouldn't u be running?"
Mowgli shook his head. "I'm brave enough!"
Khan turned to see neither of his targets moving. "Four?"
"We're not going anywhere!" Mowgli proclaimed.
The tiger fumed. "You're trying my patience, boy! Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. TEN!" Shere Khan lunged at the two, baring his claws and fangs. But Khan collapsed before he reached Sora or Mowgli. Mowgli looked behind and cheered.
Baloo had tackled Khan and pinned him to the ground. "Run, Mowgli! Run!"
"Let go you big oaf!" Khan roared, flipping Baloo over and began clawing at the bear's face. Mowgli ran forward and slammed the stick on Khan's head. Khan returned his attention to Mowgli and rushed the man-cub. Sora intervened and thrashed the tiger backwards. Khan was slow to get up, but when he rose, he was infuriated. "I warned you to stay out of my way, boy! Now you are going to wish you'd stayed in the Man Village."
Khan prepared to pounce, when lightning struck a nearby tree. The vultures flew off into the Jungle. The branches caught fire and collapsed around the group. Khan almost panicked, but kept his cool and lunged once more. Sora and Mowgli rolled to the side. Khan landed and roared his most terrifying roar!
Sora nodded before rushing off once more into the heart of the jungle.
Sora finally made it to the Badlands, but he wasn't there first. Shere Khan loomed above Mowgli and his new vulture friends. He stared down the vultures, who flocked for a nearby tree and held on for dear life. One of the vultures called to Mowgli. "Run friend, run!"
"Run?" Mowgli asked, offended by the thought. "Why should I run?"
"Why should you run?" the tiger asked, stunned that the man-cub had such bravery in him. "Could it be possible that you don't know who I am?"
"I know you alright!" Mowgli replied bravely. "You're Shere Khan!"
"Precisely" the tiger haughtily replied, placing one of his claws beneath Mowgli's chin. "Then you should also know that everyone runs from Shere Khan. Don't you agree?"
Mowgli shoved the paw away defiantly. "You don't scare me! I won't run from anyone! Riku taught me all about bravery! And I won't let him down."
Khan was about to speak, when Sora ran to the man-cub's side, his Keyblade in his hand. "And I won't let Riku or Baloo down! I will protect Mowgli!"
Khan grinned wickedly. "Ah! You have spirit for man-cubs so small. And such spirit is deserving of a sporting chance!" Khan turned away from the two and laughed to himself. "Now, I;m going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting. For me. One. Two, Three."
Sora prepared to stand his ground. Mowgli grabbed a stick and stood beside Sora. "Uh, shouldn't u be running?"
Mowgli shook his head. "I'm brave enough!"
Khan turned to see neither of his targets moving. "Four?"
"We're not going anywhere!" Mowgli proclaimed.
The tiger fumed. "You're trying my patience, boy! Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. TEN!" Shere Khan lunged at the two, baring his claws and fangs. But Khan collapsed before he reached Sora or Mowgli. Mowgli looked behind and cheered.
Baloo had tackled Khan and pinned him to the ground. "Run, Mowgli! Run!"
"Let go you big oaf!" Khan roared, flipping Baloo over and began clawing at the bear's face. Mowgli ran forward and slammed the stick on Khan's head. Khan returned his attention to Mowgli and rushed the man-cub. Sora intervened and thrashed the tiger backwards. Khan was slow to get up, but when he rose, he was infuriated. "I warned you to stay out of my way, boy! Now you are going to wish you'd stayed in the Man Village."
Khan prepared to pounce, when lightning struck a nearby tree. The vultures flew off into the Jungle. The branches caught fire and collapsed around the group. Khan almost panicked, but kept his cool and lunged once more. Sora and Mowgli rolled to the side. Khan landed and roared his most terrifying roar!
Boss Battle: Shere Khan
HP: 710
NOTE: Team up with Baloo and defeat Shere Khan! Shere Khan is afraid
of the fire on the field. Use Fire Magic to your advantage!
Battle Music: The Encounter
Get Bonus
Sora: Learned Explosion, Fire is upgraded to Fira
Khan fell backwards against the tree. As he did, a burning branch fell and struck him in his back. Absolutely horrified, Khan leaped out of the fire filled Badlands and ran as fast as he could away from the battle.
Sora heaved a heavy sigh of relief. "That takes care of that!"
Baloo laughed, but gripped his side in pain. "Ol' Stripes took off like a flaming comet! Ya know something? I think that's the last we'll ever see of that Shere Khan!"
Bagheera arrived a few moments too late. "What's happened?"
"You should have been there, Baggy" Baloo proclaimed. "We took down Stripes like he was a clod of dirt! He'll never come to this part of the jungle again!"
The panther sighed. "That was too close! Thank you, Sora!"
Sora shook his head. "Don't mention it! It feels good to have helped out someone in need."
"And now" Bagheera answered, "we can finally take Mowgli to the Man Village, where he belongs."
Baloo scoffed. "Are you kidding? With Stripes gone, what's gonna hunt Mowgli while we're around? We're the ones who took down the biggest threat in the whole Jungle. Mowgli is staying with us, where he belongs."
"Papa Bear!" Mowgli exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Baloo.
Bagheera was about to argue, but he sighed. "Oh, I give up."
The four friends walked throughout the Jungle and laughed. As Baloo reenacted the fight with Shere Khan, embellishing several scenes for Bagheera, Sora couldn't help but remember his friendship with Riku and Kairi. He saw enough of them in Baloo and Mowgli that it would pain Sora to separate the two of them. But maybe Bagheera is right, Sora thought to himself. What if Mowgli really does belong in this Man Village?
"Wanna know something, kid?" Baloo asked Mowgli. "We're good sparring partners!"
"You'd better believe it!" Mowgli exclaimed.
The two friends embraced. "Yes sir! And nothing or nobody's gonna come between us ever again!" But as the two hugged, Mowgli's eyes widened when he heard an angelic voice. He slid out of Baloo's arms and hurried into the bushes. Sora, Baloo and Bagheera followed in suit. They saw the little man-cub climbing up a tree to look at something. "Mowgli? What is it?"
"What is that?" Mowgli asked.
Bagheera looked ahead. "That's the Man Village."
"No! I mean that!" The man-cub pointed at a girl filling a vase with water from the nearby river. The girl looked about his age and she hummed a very hypnotic tune.
"Forget about them!" Baloo warned. "They ain't nothing but trouble!"
"I'll only be a minute" Mowgli answered. "I want a better look!"
"Mowgli!" Baloo called out, but Sora stopped him.
"Let him have a look, Baloo!"
Mowgli tried to peer out at the girl, but fell through the tree and into the water. He quickly hopped out and hid among the grass. The girl giggled at the lifelong jungle boy and finished filling up her water. She gave Mowgli an inquisitive look before turning and beginning her trek back into the gated Man Village beyond. With a quick glance back at Mowgli, the girl dropped her vase, which rolled all the way back to the river.
Mowgli slipped out of the grass and picked up the vase for her. He offered it to the girl, but she simply winked and walked away from him. Mowgli gingerly tried balancing the vase on his head and he began to follow her back into the Man Village.
Baloo's jaw dropped. "Mowgli!" he yelled. "Come back! Please!"
Bagheera smiled. "Go on! Go on!"
Mowgli took one last look back at the jungle he had called home his entire life. But when he looked back at the Man Village, his gaze fell into that of the little girl. And just like that, Mowgli forgot his life in the jungle, took the girl's hand and walked off into the village.
Baloo stared at the gate of the Man Village, dumbstruck. "He's hooked."
Sora laughed. Bagheera placed his paw on the bear's shoulder. "Ah, it was inevitable, Baloo. The boy couldn't help himself. It was bound to happen. Mowgli is where he belongs now."
Bagheera turned to Sora. "Now, what about you and Riku? Will you be going off into the Man Village after them?"
Sora shook his head. "Um, actually, we're from a Man Village far away. But we'll be leaving soon. Your jungle will be peaceful and man free for a while longer!"
Baloo patted Sora on his shoulder. "Are you kidding? Without Mowgli around, I need a new buddy!"
"Baloo!" Bagheera argued.
Baloo laughed. "I was just kidding. I guess you guys are right. But I still think he'd have made one swell bear." Sighing one last time, the bear turned to Bagheera. "Welp, c'mon Baggy! Let's get back to where we belong!" Baloo picked Bagheera up onto his hind legs and the two friends walked off into the sunset.
"Somehow" Sora laughed as Baloo and Bagheera disappeared behind the numerous bushes and flora that made up the Wild Jungle, "I think that's just the perfect way to sum up the end to this era! And now to get back to where I belong! With Riku and Kairi!" Sora activated his armor and with a flick of his wrist, summoned his hover board, and flew off into the evening skies above the wildest and craziest Jungle world he'd been to yet.
Obtained the Jungle Beat Keychain
STR: +3
MAG: +3
Boosts the recovery rate of MP during battle