Well, you guys knew this was coming. As I have done with most of the grouped together movie series I review, I will be ranking the films that are contained within the most ambitious saga of films in cinematic history. The MCU has opened the possible gateway for an abundant group of followers and copycats, so before this gets too crowded and confusing, let's start with ranking these currently 11 films (I'll do an update for Ant-Man, Civil War, and Dr. Strange) of the universe in the first of a few more lists.
11. Iron Man 3 (2013)
This film was insanely disappointing in terms of the rest of the universe. Had it set up Tony's actions in Age of Ultron, I would probably like this film a bit more, but it lacked the charisma and awesomeness the first two films had and this was also a really bad use of your Ben Kingsley. It also brought about questions such as "Where the heck is the rest of the Avenger team?", but I guess that's kind of nitpicky. Oh well, Marvel had to make a dud at some point. Too bad it was for the universe's poster boy.
10. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
If a film is so bad that it's lead actor and almost the entire cast is booted out of the entire MCU after one movie, shouldn't it belong at the bottom? Not necesarrily. Considering Ang Lee almost wrecked the character with his steaming pile of animal dung, this could have been so much worse. Edward Norton isn't a terrible Hulk, but it seemed like he didn't care throughout the bulk of the film. And that is a shame, since he is a great actor. At least the MCU is going to recognize this film with a character's return during Civil War, but more on that in the next Marvel post.
9. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
8. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Maybe I need to look at this film with a more worldly prospective, because all I hear about it is that it is one of the best MCU films, even though it's only connection to the saga is Thanos and even that is only a brief moment or two. The world was just a bit to confusing and out of the norm for me to like, I don't know, maybe I'll warm up to it when the sequel comes out, but who knows how long that will be? Besides, I'm more interested in Thor: Ragnarok than this or any other film in 2017 with exception given to Black Panther. But overall, I will get excited when this team joins forces with the Avengers. Just not too excited.
7. Iron Man 2 (2010)
While in no means a huge leap forward like it's predecessor, Iron Man 2 did add some really cool action scenes and arguably the best character in the franchise in Natasha Romanov. I think this is the kind of film people wanted Hancock to be, a superhero on hard times that has to rebound and save the day in the end. And Tony goes through some tough stuff in this film, including drunken escapades and dying thanks to the pallidium core in his arc reactor. Whiplash isn't too good a villain, but he's certainly better than Killian and the Mandarin in the last film. But enough bashing for that one, for now...
6. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Yes, this movie is just as stupid as people say it is. And yes, this film is just as awesome as some people have said. Despite being a very clunky and silly action movie, The First Avenger is an awesome clunky action movie. It has great character and really creates another part of the universe for us to interact in (WWII era US and Europe). Chris Evans looks the part and acts the part, Hugo Weaving is awesome as Red Skull and even Peggy Carter kicks ass. It's just a good well made action movie that sets up The Avengers quite well.
5. The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
By all accounts, Age of Ultron should top this list. It is The Empire Strikes Back of the MCU. It lets us get to know the characters more, introduces a powerful and terrifying new villain, the team is nearly broken beyond repair and it sets up the hell that awaits the team perfectly. All of the characters get their moments to shine, although some get more and some get a little less than we'd wanted. But the only reason this film is not any higher is because the other four films are just better.
4. Iron Man (2008)
The first film in the MCU really set up the rest of the saga perfectly. Not only does this film give us the origin story of the most iconic hero in the saga yet, but it also established S.H.I.E.L.D. and gave us one of Jeff Bridges most badass roles. One of the best Superhero movies ever, Iron Man gives us everything we could have possibly asked for in the best Superhero Summer ever. Awesome characters, great effects, and a chilling villain, this film is absolutely sensational. Impressive, most impressive.
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
2. Thor (2011)

I cannot gush enough about how much I love this movie. It's attention to detail and it's amazing retelling of a truly Shakespearean superhero. The fish out of water story is done to sheer perfection in this movie, as Thor's interactions with Jane and the human world are freaking hilarious. And the conflict between family members of the ruling family of Asgard is one that could easily have been mistaken for something out of Game of Thrones. One thing this movie really does remind me of is The Lion King, specifically the relationship between Mufasa and Scar. Mufasa loves Scar like a brother, but is unable to cope with his villainy. Nevertheless, Thor made a significant impact on me for the whole MCU that only one film could possibly top...
1. The Avengers (2012)
Was there any doubt? When you combine six of the most badass characters in all of comic books and put them all on one screen, it should be almost impossible to top. But the amazingness of this movie goes beyond the simple love of mindless Superhero action. The comedy in the writing is freaking unreal, the characters (for the most part) are likable, and the effects are still amazing even after having seen Age of Ultron. But the action set pieces are what draws me back again and again. The amazing scene of Hulk smashing the massive Chitauri monster in New York, him mauling the crap out of Loki in Stark Tower, Iron Man vs Thor, Thor's massive lightning storm, I could go on forever about all the awesomeness in this movie. Simply put, The Justice League has a HUGE hill to climb if they think they can top this.